The Rich Kids of Social Media and What it Says About Us

Hey there,

Have you come across the so called rich kids on Instagram and TikTok. If you haven’t then let me give you guys a low down. Rich kids on social media is a group of influencers (they don’t belong to a group, I just meant collectively) who love to show off their lavish lifestyle that includes buying expensive clothes, make-up, skincare products, cars and more. Its consumerism on full display.

So this was previously the job of adults, what’s the difference? The major difference is the JOB part. Its not a job for these kids, its like a past time. You might think…….so what’s the big deal? Well, its a bit complicated!!!

This type of content is consumed by many hopefuls and is often tried to be imitated, but can you fake richness? Social media thrives on faking and making dreams come true. If you can’t buy the original then buy a dupe from Amazon or Temu. If you can’t buy a private jet then rent one for an hour and do a photo session. If you can’t get plastic surgery then use filters. In the world of instant gratification can we really compete with the reality of not having? And how can this make believe last long?

It would make you go crazy just to see a 14 year old complaining about not getting a sports car or the fact that you can only afford a car on installments. In our world of increased cost of living and decreased job security, we won’t be able to understand the pain of sold out exotic cars…….but pain it is. For those who can’t buy and for those who are dying to buy.

All of this shouldn’t really matter because social media only merges our worlds it doesn’t bring us together. Coz, had it been that way……then you and me would have been the most cherished employees and would have loved our jobs. Let’s not focus on the kids who are gullible enough to think that “Best friends can never lie”, and then they bring them to their family estate. Let’s believe in ourselves and our struggles, afterall we have to buy a car or home on installments.

Till then,


Published by destinyant

Just a small town girl living in a lonely world took a midnight train going anywhere. I love my small town life and all my down to earth friends. Acknowledgement for better aspects of simple living is the sole purpose for me being on WordPress. And my motto is simple"They say I got a heart of gold but I got to stay golden. A blog about life experiences and hope.

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