TBH: Money matters a lot

(I am bringing back To Be Honest, coz its been too long and I need to address the issue at hand. I hope y’all will love reading this.)

Hey there,

Yeah! we are speaking the unspeakable.

Money always makes people uncomfortable and why not……no one can have enough. You can shame me for being lazy (Part of blaming session where I live, if you don’t make six figures and not on your way to own 2 roomed flat) but don’t blame me for not trying. I would accept that I was being lazy but not when everyone is called lazy and is going through the same.

But what disappoints me the most when people don’t take money matters seriously. Calling out people and blaming them for the life they live with the help of their hard earned money is what everyone’s interested in. What no one understands is the rise in inflation and high cost of living are equally responsible.

I used to be the clueless hopeful person who wanted the dream life along with a husband, kids, my own house and a “six figured paycheck”. But, now all of it feels impossible and out of reach. “How am I gonna make it?” is all I think about.

They say “money can’t buy happiness” but now I feel like “atleast it buys bread”. Happiness comes with peace of mind and ease in life, somewhere both of these things are controlled by money. Money indirectly governs our life. To me, besides blaming people for their circumstances, you should inform them about how to be smart with money. But then again, if everyone is smart with money then who will mess up and who will be there to blame.

Food for thought!

Till then,


Published by destinyant

Just a small town girl living in a lonely world took a midnight train going anywhere. I love my small town life and all my down to earth friends. Acknowledgement for better aspects of simple living is the sole purpose for me being on WordPress. And my motto is simple"They say I got a heart of gold but I got to stay golden. A blog about life experiences and hope.

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