Trust the process? Exactly how?

Hey there, I can’t expect anything from life. Trust me, no one can. How can you have any type of life expectancy when you are fighting over parking spots and yoga mats (Don’t get me started on that one!). What can we expect from life when a mere Taylor Swift album disappoints us. (Tell youContinue reading “Trust the process? Exactly how?”

Tick tick……BOOM!

Hey there, Weekend’s ending and I am blue. But being back for monday is miserable for a whole another reason. Turning thirty is taking a toll! Why is it that celebrating your thirtieth birthday isn’t a real celebration and feels like a gateway for forties? Why thirties are so miserable? We all know turning thirtyContinue reading “Tick tick……BOOM!”

IRL: The world is unfair and its not your fault!

Hey there, I am raging bull, screaming mad!! I always knew some of the over smart individuals who think they own the world because they own a piece of land, mound of bricks put together or expensive stuff they can exchange for money. But I never knew they are so blind in their so calledContinue reading “IRL: The world is unfair and its not your fault!”

TBH: When something feels sus………then it probably is.

(To be honest or TBH is my way of dealing with issues that concern all of us. This allows me to give hard to swallow facts in terms of relationships, life choices and people that surround us. I don’t have an intention of hurting or demeaning anyone when I am writing. I hope y’all understand!)Continue reading “TBH: When something feels sus………then it probably is.”

TBH: We all want to break that cycle.

(Note: To be honest or TBH is my way of dealing with issues that concern all of us. This allows me to give hard to swallow facts in terms of relationships, life choices and people that surround us. I don’t have an intention of hurting or demeaning anyone.) Hey there, I am back! Its beenContinue reading “TBH: We all want to break that cycle.”