Trust the process? Exactly how?

Hey there, I can’t expect anything from life. Trust me, no one can. How can you have any type of life expectancy when you are fighting over parking spots and yoga mats (Don’t get me started on that one!). What can we expect from life when a mere Taylor Swift album disappoints us. (Tell youContinue reading “Trust the process? Exactly how?”

Valentines day special: What am I doing?

Hey there, Happy valentine’s day to all! I hope everyone’s doing fine. Because you have to! Its valentine’s day and I have decide to not be anti valentine’s anymore. Why? You might ask. Well, the thing is I love being romantic and love those sappy movies and TV shows. And I can’t resist a dayContinue reading “Valentines day special: What am I doing?”

IRL: Can we really have it all?

Hey, there! Like I said before, I can’t really enjoy those little moments of happiness that I used to enjoy as a kid. Maybe its my expectations and what I think would make me happy or I care a lot about what others think. Yeah! I always do what I want to do (atleast IContinue reading “IRL: Can we really have it all?”

And just like that……..its all gone.

Hey there, My weeks were never this exciting. ‘Exciting’ sounds a bit too off for my situation but I am at a loss of words. No, really! There’s so much going on right now that I am barely managing it all. I guess, this is what they call ”being busy”. But this busy lifestyle isContinue reading “And just like that……..its all gone.”