Daily writing prompt
What are your morning rituals? What does the first hour of your day look like?

The Tale of the Immortal Breakfast

I love to wake up early in the morning, write a journal entry- its about what I am going to do for that day, do some yoga, meditation maybe and make my breakfast from scratch. Breakfast is my favorite part. If I am having cereal then I prepare the dough a night before. If I am having pasta then I prepare it a week ago. I make my own bread and grow my own salad.

As someone who truly cares about their health, I dedicate as much time as I can to my breakfast. As breakfast is the most important meal of the day and I am an overworked corporate executive so I would go without food for the whole day.

You might ask “What’s all this fuss for?”

I say “Just cause I can!!!!”


TBH: Money matters a lot

(I am bringing back To Be Honest, coz its been too long and I need to address the issue at hand. I hope y’all will love reading this.)

Hey there,

Yeah! we are speaking the unspeakable.

Money always makes people uncomfortable and why not……no one can have enough. You can shame me for being lazy (Part of blaming session where I live, if you don’t make six figures and not on your way to own 2 roomed flat) but don’t blame me for not trying. I would accept that I was being lazy but not when everyone is called lazy and is going through the same.

But what disappoints me the most when people don’t take money matters seriously. Calling out people and blaming them for the life they live with the help of their hard earned money is what everyone’s interested in. What no one understands is the rise in inflation and high cost of living are equally responsible.

I used to be the clueless hopeful person who wanted the dream life along with a husband, kids, my own house and a “six figured paycheck”. But, now all of it feels impossible and out of reach. “How am I gonna make it?” is all I think about.

They say “money can’t buy happiness” but now I feel like “atleast it buys bread”. Happiness comes with peace of mind and ease in life, somewhere both of these things are controlled by money. Money indirectly governs our life. To me, besides blaming people for their circumstances, you should inform them about how to be smart with money. But then again, if everyone is smart with money then who will mess up and who will be there to blame.

Food for thought!

Till then,


Daily writing prompt
What makes you laugh?

To be honest, I love to watch cringy TV. As dramatic as it can be!!!
Watching these shows is simple, pure fun. Right now, they make me laugh. But any funny situation can bring a smile to my face. Anything that is aggravating can also make me laugh in surrender.

Laughing isn’t enough, the reason behind it matters too.

You always have a choice

Hey there,

Tiger moms…….

I must say they are a rare species but most kids like me would know. Kids like me…….well kids who are supposed to be the best without any emotional or educational support.

Why am I talking about this because I have a tiger mom too. Since I am not married and am already running the race for top position on the corporate ladder, mom has her own insights on that.

She won’t shame me for not having a kid in time but for the sorry state of my career. Gone are the days when I felt relief over leaving the toxicity behind. But, seriously can I blame her? We live in this fast-paced world where if you are not working on yourself then you are done with.

So what if its an unhealthy environment to grow as a person. So what if we all are competing for the top position which sadly is just one. So what if you lose yourself while achieving the invisible targets that don’t guarantee proper remuneration.

Sorry! I can’t blame my mom for berating me over how someone’s daughter became a vice-president. Because, somewhere I know if I won’t do it, then I won’t be able to live through it. As I struggle with important decisions in life and how I am going to fight for the creme de la creme, I would always remember that I have a choice.

A choice to focus on my goals without forgetting about how hard it was to even begin.

Back then even this felt impossible, but somehow I never lost hope and worked it out.

I would always be grateful for that!

Now, let’s begin chapter 2…………and I choose not to be berated by anyone.

EMPOWERING! isn’t it?

Till then,


International Women’s Day Special- Don’t blame me, blame the system

Hey there,

Its 8th March- International Women’s Day! Its the time when I can focus on the nuances of systemic oppression of women and feel better about throwing a pebble in the ocean of disdain. Luckily, I found a way to be an independent person with their own thoughts and feelings. People may not care for your feelings but they know you exist………just like air.

I am stubborn, I am unnecessarily ambitious and headstrong but what can I do, its the needful. The kind of anxiety I have faced over all the lost opportunities and time I knew I was going to achieve whatever I wanted. But, one thing always bothers me……….I can’t make up for everything I lost. Whether it was missing out on good career opportunities due to silly career gaps and safety issues. These problems somehow exist only for women and talking about them is pulling out our WOMEN card.

So don’t blame me if I judge a person before committing in a relationship, or put my work first over easily resolvable “family issues”. We all know some problems exist and some problems are created. They say a house needs a woman’s touch, I say “Don’t try to control what I touch upon first”.

After all, its the need of the hour and I need to win this race of time.

Happy women’s day y’all!!!!!!


Reconnecting with myself

Hey there,

It rained today…..and that reminds me of how I would have been bothered about driving in the heavy rains (it always rains heavily here) if I had been working from office. Now, I am working part time from home, so no need to worry.

I can’t help but feel insecure about this sudden change in life. We all react to change differently but the external factors affecting our life makes us indecisive. We have to make a choice and stick with it. The decision I made turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

Most of us don’t acknowledge the benefits of changes. Simple change in routines and schedules can greatly benefit your mental and physical health. Also, there are no self obsessed demons breathing over my neck. So much so that, I feel blessed over losing my only way to make good money. All that time invested in working on demanding tasks never really gave proper returns. As I am focusing on my studies and spending time catching up with friends and online trends, I know that I won’t regret it.

I might sound impractical but now I know what I really want. Sadly, I had to give up something I really cherished, but when I lost it, I understood what I was losing for all this time. Now, that I am reconnecting with myself, I have new achievements and goals in my mind.

Like they say, “All’s well that ends well”.

Let’s turn this ending into a new beginning!

Till then,


I quit my job!!

A woman dances joyfully in a bustling city park, surrounded by vibrant flowers and tall buildings. She twirls with a bright smile on her face, exuding a carefree and happy energy

Hey there,


I can’t believe I did it!

I had to do it. It got messy. My employers were not able to provide me projects that I could work on. I was constantly berated for no reason and became a soft target for all their blame. I lost my source of income, my claim to sanity and my daily routine for last one and half year. Now, its clear. It feels like I can breath again.

Everyone needs this breather but, sadly not many people can get it. I can’t imagine how many people keep working an unsatisfying job all their lives. Here, I want to confess that I have been at it for too long. So much so that my daily routine that kept me organized and made a slave out of me.

All my anxiety and fear are gone. I can see what my future is gonna be like.

Till then,


You are expected to turn on your V-day switch

Hey there,

V-day week ended a few days ago and I am still recovering. This Valentine’s I opted for a spa day, and Voila it was better than being in love. The thing about Valentines day is that it can backfire in worst ways. Your soulmate might buy you macha breakfast or you might get stuck on expressway after a long day at work (just because you wanted to go on a longdrive with your special one). Despite of all these minor disasters, eacha nd every one of us eagerly waits for Valentines day.

It baffles me that Valentines day is such a norm that you are expected to turn on your V-day switch just for one day and respond to weird greetings coming from anywhere. See, I have no issues with this “celebration of love” but can this single day make up for all the hurt, pain and happiness you experience in a relationship?

Whatever happened to “love is a feeling!”

I remember being all excited for V-day but, then again I was in the age group of 16-25. Still the one wishing on a fallen star, still someone randomly doodling roses and tulips in notebook margins, too far away from the cruel world. Now, that I am in touch with reality or being crashed and burned due to unmatched gap between societal and personal expectations , I know I can’t just turn on my V day switch and pretend to enjoy Lindor gift boxes and like others cringey V day stories.

best thing about Valentines day is that everyone can soak in this V day energy and celebrate it in their own way. Just don’t make them be a part of yours for the sake of it.

That will make valentnes even more special. Sadly it wasn’t for me!

Till then,
